Thursday, August 21, 2008

Laziness=I should be blogging.

Since I've stopped working for the summer, I've had days at home all to myself, and yet, my blogging has suffered. Just how is this possible? I've been watching marathons of America's Next Top Model like it's nobody's business, but can't seem to remember to update my poor little blog. Well, here's to changing that.

I start school on Monday, which means tomorrow is my last weekday to do whatever I want. I've been trying to get back on a regular sleep schedule, not my usual staying-up-all-night and sleeping-all-day routine. Yesterday, I actually woke up at 7:45...refreshed. What the??? I know, it's crazy. I even cooked myself a healthy breakfast! Today, I'm a little bit guilty...I slept till just before 10. However, I did wake up fully alert at about 4:45 this morning and had to try very hard to go back to sleep. This never happens! I can seriously sleep undisturbed for 14 hours. Now, all of a sudden, I wake up alert? I kind of hope it stays.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ZZ says "You're the CHAMP!!!"