Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My Heritage, My Foot!

So, apparently, I'm not the only one who had crazy luck with this myheritage.com thing. Katie told me to check out Rob and Melissa's blog to witness the simply sorted array of celebrity matches they acquired. It's unreal! The website matched Rob, whom I've never met but seen pictures of, with the Rock. Oh really, myheritage.com? You think a twenty-something white guy looks anything like famous entertainer Dwayne Johnson, aka, da Rock? I beg to differ, just as a beg to differ that I look anything like Mischa or Marcia, the latter of whom I can't decide is even pretty or not. As Stewie Griffin said of her, "The old one looks like someone pulled Silly Putty over their knee." I'll have to test this website again when I get home from work because I didn't go beyond the first two matches. I'll have to see what famous men I look like, which is sure to be more ridic than a party-girl and a twin-poppin' red head.

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