Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Signed, Josie A. Toups

Today at work, I received the privilege being able to sign the paychecks here. Tomorrow, I learn how to do payroll, and everyone is making that sound very scary. Then, I get to sign all the checks for Friday when everyone gets paid. Never has my signature been so cool!

All in all. today's been pretty uneventful, except that Kevin is home sick for the second day in a row. I got here at 8 yesterday morning, and by 8:30, he was home in bed. He has some sort of allergy problem. Today, he didn't attempt to go to school at all. He's been sleeping until lunch and I'm so jealous! Well, not of his illness, but you know.

Ms. Brenda and I ran the roads this morning. First, we went to the bank to turn in the paperwork for me to be able to sign checks. Then, we went to Target to get supplies for the shop, including a new coffeemaker. It's nice to get out of the office because I feel pretty useless in here with nothing to do. I guess I'd better brace myself for tomorrow when Tante Steph comes back and teaches me more stuff about the ins-and-outs of the biz.

If anything exciting pops up, I will update Blogworld with the goings-on. Until then, I guess it's back to Yahoo Launchcast Radio and Facebook for me!


zztoups said...

Yo, tink ya can lern me a couple of dem greenbacks?

Josie said...

Hahaha! I'll see what I can do, Daddio!

Anonymous said...

Noah wants some of those bucks for his piggy bank, if he can sneak them by Julian