Monday, May 14, 2007

Work it, girl.

I started my new job today working for Kevin's dad at Vincent Enterprises (if you so happen to call on a Tuesday or Wednesday, that's me answering the phone)! Today was pretty uneventful because I was pretty much job shadowing Kevin's aunt Stephanie, although Tante (Aunt) Melanie's 5 full-grown labs escaped from the fence next door at least 10 times. I'm taking over for Steph every Tuesday and Wednesday by myself while she is at school to be a vet tech. I'll be there pretty much every day, but those are the days that I'll be flying solo. I'm really in for it on Thursday when Steph teaches me how to do payroll. Apparantly, it's tough. I'm also still babysitting on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I'm just going to be rolling in the money!! Kidding. I want to try to get enough money to fly to Dayton this summer, and actually pay for myself. I need to rebuild my checking account, so all this working will be good for me in the long run. I don't know if you guys knew this, but eventually, people stop sending you high school graduation money! Anywho, I'm excited about working. How am I doing as a "blogger"?

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