Thursday, March 08, 2007


Okay! I know I need to start writing in this thing, but I'm such a victim of procrastination. Plus, I've been stressed with school and changing majors. Well, today, I did it! I changed my major to Journalism (Mass Communications) with a minor in Photography (Visual Arts). I'm still going to continue in French and probably obtain a minor. I'm really happy with my decision. I know I could do a lot of things with Journalism, especially with a background in photography. The only things I'm afraid of are the visual arts classes I have to take to get to Photography. I will have to take drawing, and maybe design. I am in no way an artist, so these are pretty intimidating. However, I am really looking forward to next semester.

Now the only thing hanging over my head is my situation with Honors. I have already made up my mind that I am not taking any honors classes next semester, and I actually want to leave the Honors program altogether. Today, when I changed my major, I tried to drop Honors seminar. I was told that I would have to go to Dr. Pat, the Honors president, to drop seminar. This is ridiculous to me. I am intimidated by this 80-year-old woman. I don't feel like I need to defend to her why I am leaving Honors. The truth is, it is not the kind of environment I want to be in. I do not want to be involved with a program that preaches about "open-mindedness" and "respect of opinions", yet anyone with a Christian or conservative point of view gets shot down by Dr. Pat herself, a self-proclaimed liberal atheist. I don't want to have to explain this to Dr. Pat, and I don't feel that I should have to, but the lady the changed my major told me that she has raised hell before because they were letting student drop Honors seminar without consulting her first, which isn't needed for any other class. People are telling me to just stop going to seminar until I'm kicked out, but I want to leave Honors, not get kicked out. I want to leave with some dignity, and I feel like Dr. Pat will strip that from me if I go to speak to her.

Well, opinions and suggestions are welcome. This is the only situation still stressing me out.


Anonymous said...

Who would have thought I would be the first one to respond to you but maybe Dr. Pat needs to hear a few things you have to say about Honors. I do understand your fears though. I agree dropping is much better than getting kicked out.

Ben said...

Hey Josie, I am sure you've been to my blog (from Iraq). Glad to see an update on your blog.

About your dilema, it is ultimately your decision. You shouldn't care what she thinks. You should leave with dignity.

Keep on blogging!

Katie said...

My suggestion would be just to suck it up and keep going to seminar this semester and not schedule it for next semester. I know it seems like an impossible task, but bring some stuff with you to work on so that you can stage a quiet protest. Like read the Bible or something. That would really stick it to the Man!

Anonymous said...

if you feel so strongly about the honors issue, then you shouldn't feel a need to be defensive. if you want to make a stand against honors and liberal atheism, you have to be willing to voice that opinion. just dropping it without talking to her about your problem with the forum doesn't make a statement anymore than just not going anymore. if you are worried about your dignity, then there is no other choice but to face her.