Friday, May 25, 2007


Tonight is my cousin Cameron's high school graduation. Cameron and his brother Tyler are pretty much the only thing I've ever known of brothers, so it makes me feel like my little brother is all grown up, even though I was only a year ahead of him in school. I've learned more about Cameron in the past year, and hopefully gotten closer. I helped him write his big senior English paper. In his "What I Want To Be And Why" paper, he wrote that his grandfather was his best friend and the greatest mentor he'd ever had, and now that he's gone, he wants to honor his memory by becoming a musician. Everything he wrote in that paper was straight from his heart. I was so proud of him. He has ambitions for college and I know he can make it.

Cameron graduating, as well as all the other people I know graduating this year, makes me feel very nostalgic. It takes me back to this time last year when we had a table in our dining room with my graduation pictures and all my gifts and cards from everyone. I had cut all my hair off right before graduation and was ready for change. I was headed to France the same week I graduated and had the most unforgettable experience of my life there. It was like my classmates and I were on top of the world, and the centers of attention. I miss it, but I guess it's time to pass the torch.

Cam's party is here tonight, and I can't wait to give him a big hug and congratulate him. I love that boy like my own brother!

You've come a long way!

1 comment:

Katie said...

That is a great pic! Cam cam! He's all growed up!