Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Post-Memorial Day Exhaustion

Is there anything worse than the day after a four-day weekend? Me thinks not. Our memorial day here in Louisiana was less than beautiful, but it was enjoyable nonetheless. We had a barbecue at the house with such attendees as Erin Foster, who is my best friend from high school who is in from LSU, the Romaines, the Vincents (with adorable nephew Trevaun in tow), Maw Maw Jane, the new Trcaleks and the Toupses of Kaplan. Julian made the trip and miraculously stayed awake for most of the visit. However, everyone took advantage of this, passing him around until he threw up on Mrs. Brenda. Catherine Romaine and Trevaun became fast friends. I got a cute candid picture of her sitting on the couch with her arm around him. Noah wore me out by constantly running around and wanting to play, but Trevaun took over and played with him. Noah would squeal and laugh with Trevaun. It was too cute! Noah's vocabulary has improved a lot, and he repeats now. His latest words are "Omas", meaning "Thomas the Tank Engine", "Sah-tee", meaning Salty the train, "Me-Maw" for our grandma, "Okay" when he falls down, and some other small words. He was on my lap yesterday while I was showing him the PBS Kids website, and when I clicked on the Boobah page, he kept saying "Booooobaaah!", just from hearing it on the website. I'm proud of the little squirt! All in all, it was a good day. After everyone left, Erin stayed and I dyed her hair (which came out fabulous, by the way). After that, we went to Leah and Courtney's apartment and spent a fun-filled night with them, Rebecca, and Jansen. I missed the old crew! Erin might come over again tonight before she heads back to Baton Rouge for summer school.

Well, I'd better get "back to work", which so far today only consists of calling a brick company for their fax number, then faxing something over. Anywho, have a great day-after-Memorial Day (if possible)!

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