Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I can't decide whether I want to dye my hair dark brown, or leave it the dark blonde it is right now. I know you're supposed to have light hair in the summer, but I'm a natural brunette, given, it's light brown (see side picture by Eiffel Tower for my hair completely natural) and I can't deny it! I'm stressing way too much about it. I need suggestions!


Katie said...

Why don't you just not dye it? Then you won't have the problem. We've already been through it all, so I will say, it's up to you.

Josie said...

Well, it's dyed right now. It's that blonde color I did when you were in town. My dilemma is just whether to dye it or not. My roots are starting to grow out anyway, so I need to make up me mind. Fate is working against me because before I even broke the seal on the dark brown dye box, the creme inside leaked everywhere. The cap was screwed on incorrectly. I have to go to Target to get a new color, so maybe I'll decide then, but I have a feeling I'll stand there forever and debate. Nervous breakdown, aisle 9!

Anonymous said...

I am might be too late but I tend to be a little slow sometimes. I think natural but we will love you whatever you hair color. Katie Claire's philosophy is this is the color God gave me.

Josie said...

good point, mrs. chris. i think i'm going to go with the dark brown, because it's a lot closer to my natural hair color than blonde is. i guess i have to accept the fact that i'm a brunette at heart!