Thursday, June 07, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

That's right, bloggers. Today was my 19th birthday. I admit, it's not the most exciting age to turn, but it's a birthday nonetheless! Some of my gifts include a debit gift card and bracelet from Mom and Dad, a photo album from Pie Sean and T-Lo, a check from the Vincents, and 35mm color and black & white film, Life is Beautiful on DVD, and an amazing book about photography from Kevin. As if all of this wasn't great enough, my Nikon FM10 manual 35mm camera should arrive tomorrow! It's like my birthday all over again!

Tomorrow night is my 80s party with all of my friends, so really, my birthday is lasting for 2 days! Look forward to some "totally rad" pictures!

1 comment:

Sarah Lemaire said...

I hope that you had (and continue to have!) a great Birthday!!

P.S. I love Life is Beautiful! Great movie.