Sunday, June 10, 2007

Freshman 15

Dang you, freshman 15! It's true what they say. I definitely gained 15 pounds since I started college almost a year ago. I kick myself for thinking that I was fat at this time last year. Looking back at pictures of me, I had long pretty hair, and I was 15-20 pounds lighter. Yet, I was constantly on a diet, down on myself, and always self-conscious. Now that I look back, I can't believe! I'm making a commitment right now to lose the weight. I'm not happy with the way I look, and I took myself for granted when I was smaller. I'm never going to let that happen again! I'm ready to be happy with my body, and most importantly, healthy. With high blood pressure and high cholestoral running in my family, I don't want to let it take over me before it absolutely has to. I remember taking my blood pressure at Wal-Mart just for fun when I was little. I recently took it for old times sake at Wal-Mart and found myself considered "Pre-hypertension". That's scary. No more. This is week one of the rest of my life!

I'll keep anyone who cares about my blog updated on my progress. I just worked out on the eliptical for 20 minutes. I'm feeling good! Here's to getting back the old me!


Katie said...

Classic Celebrity Fit Club pose! Good luck with the healthiness! You can do it!

Josie said...

Haha! I had just finished watching it.

ZZToups said...

Yo Jo!!!
You can do it, I've only been able to do 5 minutes on that machine.
I never realized how long 5 minutes really was!
As Bush Sr. would say, "You've got to stay the course, a thousand points of light!!!"

Josie said...

oh, dad. you and bush sr. are so right!