Monday, June 18, 2007

Starting over.

The past week hasn't been great in terms of getting back into shape. Like I wrote in my last post, my neck was bothering me for a big part of last week. The good news is that it's all better. I think it was a combination of the computer at work (thanks, Rene!), sleeping in crazy positions, and the stress of last week. I don't want to write any details, but we've been having some trouble with nasty messages on the answering machine here. It's being dealt with, but for all of last week, I was afraid to be alone here. I barely ate (shocking) and just felt like I was getting sick. That stress is gone now, so I'm feeling like I want to start my healthy kick again. I worked out for my usual 20 minutes yesterday, but I really kicked it into gear and burned 30 more calories than I usually do in 20 minutes. I was sweatin', me! I would watch Celebrity Fit Club and hear Ross talk about how he hated to work out, like me. However, now that he has a regimen, he said that he misses the feeling he gets when he works out if he doesn't do it. I feel the same way. I'm afraid to take a day off for fear of becoming unmotivated, but I know that if I do the elliptical every day, I'll get bored or my body will get used to it and stop burning the weight. So, I'm going to do a Tae-Bo/Elliptical routine. I guess that would make today Tae-Bo day! Getting into shape is one of a few of my goals for the summer. The others are to read a lot and teach myself how to wake up early. Both of these are going to be a huge challenge for me since I have a very bad tendency of being lazy, but I'm willing to work at it! Here's to week two (even though it could be week one-and-a-half)!


Anonymous said...

No problem!
:) Rene'

zztoups said...

Go JOJO!!!