Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Dang the luck...

My enthusiasm after my workout Sunday was very short-lived. Monday morning while I was moving in my sleep, I cracked my neck in some crazy way and i couldn't move it after that. I cried and told Mom, and she told me I probably pinched a nerve. I went back to sleep and when I woke up,it wasn't any better. Dad put some Biofreeze on it and worked some Cajun magic. He told me when he was little, all of the old ladies would make him rub their necks because he is left-handed. Supposedly, this was a healing trait. So, he rubbed my neck at the base of my skull 7 times. Maybe it worked, because yesterday, the pain was almost completely gone. I could roll my head around, so that was a good sign. Well, this morning, my neck cracked again, and the pain is back. What's a girl to do? I missed my workout Monday and yesterday because of the pain. Hopefully, I can take some Advil and break a sweat tonight.

As if all of this wasn't bad enough, I brought my first roll of film from my new camera to Walgreens last night. The one-hour photo was running behind, so I waited 3 hours to pick up my pictures. When I got there, she told me the roll was completely blank. Shocked and upset, I just said okay and left without asking any questions. I can't figure out what must have happened, but I'm praying it's not the camera, not after all the hell I went through to get it. Not only that, but I payed for it myself. Dad said I should have asked if it was really blank, or just under/over exposed. Of course, I didn't think to ask that at the right time. I went on Yahoo Answers and some people are telling me that I either loaded the film incorrectly, or the woman didn't tell me (probably because she didn't know) that it was under/over exposed.

Oh, and my headlight is burnt AGAIN. One of them burns every 2-3 weeks. I noticed it after I left Walgreens in a huff. It only made the situation worse. The only good thing about last night was seeing Noah and Julian and taking pictures of them...WHICH I HOPE DEVELOP. I went to bed pretty early, too, but I'm still tired today. Can a girl get any relief????


Anonymous said...

Speaking from experience with major neck pain ... get a box of epsom salt and soak for a long time in a hot tub with a cup of epsom salt in it, then use a heating pad on your neck for a while before bed. Also, drink tons of water to stay hydrated. Combine all this with biofreeze and Barney's neck rubs and advil and you should be a-okay in a couple days. - Rene'

Anonymous said...

Oh, Josie, I just had another thought. Your neck woes could be a result of your new job ... sitting at a desk can be hazardous. Make sure you are getting up and moving around periodically. You can also find some helpful stretches to do while at your desk (check online). Also, make sure your desk arrangement (keyboard, chair, monitor) is as ergonomic as possible ... especially your monitor. Elevate it so that you are not tilting your head down to see it. Sorry for the long posts but I sympathize, neck problems are NO FUN! Feel better soon. -Rene'

Josie said...

You are so smart, you! Thanks for the advice, guh!