Sunday, August 05, 2007

A new idea.

I awoke this morning (afternoon, actually) to a constant beep, meaning someone had sent me a text message. It was none other than my favorite and only sister, Katie. She told me that Ben had an idea for my blog, since I'm notorious for not updating. She said that he suggested a photography blog, where I post my "skillz" and see what everyone thinks. I think that's a great idea! I have been slacking in the photog department, but this picture here is my user picture on Facebook, and I've been getting a lot of positive feedback on it. What say you?


Katie said...

I love this pic! Ben will be so proud!

What's cool about this pic is the use of color and the tying in of the gum and necklace...sweet!

Josie said...

that's what i was going for. plus, i get bored at the office!

zztoups said...

Dat sho is pretty yeh!!!