Monday, August 13, 2007

Ca fait chaud!

This post won't include a photo because I'm at the office. It is so hot in Louisiana that I'm feeling very sick. The front of the office has a glass door and big glass window, so no matter what I do, I'm burning up in here. The A/C has been on 60 degrees all day, and I'm still hot. The high today is 101, which is record-breaking. This scares me. It's so crazy to me that places like Maine have highs in the 90s. That's not normal. Mr. Ricky, one of the subcontractors, has a crew that's been working without air conditioning for the past week, and they've been passing out left and right. At least I have some air, but I'm still feelin' the heat! I think I'm about to leave work about 45 minutes early because I'm feeling lightheaded and hot in the office. Maybe a nap in Mom's freezing bedroom will do me some good!

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