Monday, August 20, 2007


I finally got my Nikon to work! I just developed my first successful roll of film tonight. Here are some of the choice ones!

AHH. I'm so excited. :)

This is Dino, the Vincents' Yorkie. He's so funny. He thinks he's big and tough, and he snorts.

This is Buddy, the Vincents' Spaniel mutt. He's goofy and so sweet.

Kevin took this one of me. I like it, but I wish I didn't look so worried. I also wish I didn't have so many neck wrinkles...

Kevin at dusk. Sounds artistic, huh?

Even though they'll hate me for this, I love this quality and lighting. This is Stephen and Katie. For those of you who know me through my sister, this is Ryan's little sister and her boyfriend.



Katie said...

Cool pics! I like that one of you!

zztoups said...

Dino is da man!!!