Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Keepin' Up

Keeping with the idea of a photography blog, I have a new picture for your approval. At the beginning of the summer, Kevin and I both purchased Nikon FM 10 cameras online. I've been having some trouble with mine because I didn't know how to load the film properly, but now that I've got it down, no one can stop me! This picture is of Kevin, and I took it with his Nikon. The reason why it came out orange is because the lighting was poor, but I think it makes it cooler. What do you think?

1 comment:

zztoups said...

Looks like he's playing guitar in one of those blues joints I used to play in.
Most of time all we had for lighting was a screwed in light bulb right over the bandstand.
Ah!!! those were the days my friend!!!