Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Back and better than ever!

I don't know how many times I've apologized about this stinkin' blog! Actually, I should say stinkin' me, because the blog can't update itself! I always forget about it and I know I'll never be the diligent and entertaining blogger that my sister is!

So, my last entry before this was some of my photography. I've been keeping up with that pretty often and I also bought a hard-drive video camera right after Christmas. I'm just all about the arts, eh? All I've been doing with the video cam is recording silly videos. Maybe I'll get the courage to post some of them on here... eventually!

Since my last post, not much has changed... except my major. Yes, again! I'm now offically studying Psychology. This time I'm 95% sure it's where I want to be. Last semester, I had a lot of challenges facing me. All within the same week: 1) We found out Kevin's mom had breast cancer (she had a mastectomy and is in remission). 2) My best friend Kara's mom passed away from brain cancer (she was a breast cancer surviver, and for a time in my life looked out for me like a 2nd mom). and 3) I realized how unhappy I was in Journalism. The things I learned began to sicken me. All I have to say is that if any of you have 100% faith in the media, come to me. We need to have a little chat! :-)

So, once everything was under control with Kevins's mom, and my mourning for Ms. Beth was becoming peaceful, I decided that I needed some help and guidance for my major. Mom found me a college-level guidance counselor at UL. When I met with her, she had me take a LONG survey/test on the computer with a lot of other students. It was an opinions and skills kind of test that put me in career categories based on my skills, interests, and morals. Many of the careers that matched up with me just right or better had to do with teaching or counseling. So, I decided to change to Psychology (I've also been pursuing a French minor since I started college). I figured I could do a lot with it. As of right now, I'm looking forward to either being a high school French teacher or a high school counselor. Possibly a masters in French, French Education, or Francophone Studies??

So, basically, everything in life is falling into place. I'm eating healthy, I'm exercising, I'm working really hard in school, and all relationships are great. I hope this wasn't too long. Does anyone actually still check my blog? I'll have to win back your faithfulness!



Anonymous said...

Good things come to those who work hard to earn it. Study hard, be passionate about your choice, and take it a day at a time.
You'll be glad you did!

Ben said...

Great update. I have been slacking in the blog department too. Maybe I'll update it before the weekend is over.

I am glad things are working out for you.

Take care,

Ben & Casie