Friday, February 15, 2008

J'ai besoin de parler français plus souvent.

As well as slacking in my blogging, I have also been slacking in my French. I have been a French student since my freshman year in high school, which was over 5 years ago. Every semester so far in college, I have been taking French classes, and it is always one of my best grades. However, this semester, I am in a pretty advanced French class. It is French 311, which is French and Francophone Literature. I jumped from French 202 to French 311 and I am feeling it. There are definitely people that are more nervous in class than me, but I find myself trying to speak as little as possible. One of my goals in life has always been to speak French fluently. It is not helping if I do not use my skillz, yo!
I have the same French teacher that I had last semester, so she knows me on a more personal basis than the other 5 or so students in the class (most people do not go above their required Frenches over here, which is a shame with our culture). So, she always says things like, Oh, Josie, you have been to France so you should know this..., then she will go on to talk about something in France, and I feel like she has more expectations of me than the other students. Kind of stressful. I enjoy French so much, but I really doubt my abilities. I am still working on my French minor, though!
I wish I had more friends that took French so that I could speak to them and no one would know what we are talking about! :)

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